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Judo Shugyo Kid
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Judo Shugyo Kid

Reference -AGJKID
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The Shugyo Kid Judo Kimono is intended for children of all ages who are starting to learn judo. It is composed of a double-breasted rice grain jacket with topstitching and pants with an elastic waist.

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The Kimono Judo Shugyo Kid is intended for children who are just starting to learn judo. It consists of a grain of rice jacket and pants with elastic and drawstring at the waist.
IpponSport offers you a judogi for children in 100% cotton. It is adapted to provide optimal comfort to your champions during training thanks to reinforcements in the shoulders and knees.
This judo kimono is the ideal product for the first steps of a white belt and offers you a totally unbeatable value for money.
The Kimono Judo Shugyo Kid comes with a soft white belt that will be perfect for your children. Indeed, by its flexibility, the knot will be easier to make and will not come undone during training.


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